What is your True Identity - ICE or WATER ?
I learnt this beautiful metaphor yesterday.
ICE believes that at it's core it is " ICE" - hard, cold, solid...that is it's identity in its perception.
Because of this belief that it is ICE and not truly water, it remains at the top layer of the seas and oceans, fearing that it will melt if it goes any deeper.
It also deeply fears that if it let any warmth come close to it, it will die.
So it let's only those who are like it - who believe they are cold, hard, solid to come near it....and in fact attempts to remain close to such others, so they can mutually feed their belief about their identity as ICE.
And because of this strong belief about their identity as Cold, hard, solid ice they miss out on the freedom, the pleasure, the fun that free flowing water enjoys just below it.
This deep, freedom filled life is right there in front of the ice, spread in all directions and directly below it, but it's own belief keeps it struggling to maintain it's identity as Cold, Hard, Solid Ice.
If it let the warmth from below or above take over, it will melt.......and with the death of that identity will begin the enjoyment and the never experienced freedom...but ICE has to let go of it current beliefs about it's identity..
in a way it will have to accept the death of it's current Identity for this...and that is a fearful thought !
This is the same way that many people believe their identity is "being" fearful, "being" angry, "being" sad, "being" sick or "Being" Guilty .. You can hear them say (or write on social media) , I "am" fearful, or I "am" sad, and so on.
They do not want to acknowledge that their true identity is of pure love . They put in so much energy to not allow the pure love and inspiration from deep within them to come out...reinforcing their perceived identity every waking hour, coz if they did not do this, then their own perceived identity about themselves would finish.. their identity would end..it would die ! And death is something to be feared of ! Isn't it ?
So they associate with people who also believe their identity is about "being" fearful, "being" angry, "being" sad or "being" sick.' And together they keep assuring each other that their perceived identity is safe, away from warmth, love and freedom .
And they remain trapped in this for all their life, as if life can never change for them.
All this can just change, if they allow love and inspiration from deep within , to take over...their false identities would melt away, and love will do the healing that they have been craving for and avoiding unconsciously...
And it is possible....hundreds of thousands of people have done it...these people can do it as well. All they need is awareness, acceptance and to let go !
The author is a Life Transformation Coach, a registered Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Master Practitioner of Conscious Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy), Licensed mBraining Coach and a Practitioner of Timeline Coaching. He helps people who are struggling with deep personal issues, challenges in relationships, career or business, to overcome their fears, anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, guilt, frustration, chronic pain, allergies and to start living a peaceful, calm, fulfilled life.
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